May 28, 1912
- County bankers met and discussed the need for agriculture development and how they should have a Farm Advisor in McHenry County
September 14, 1912
- Farmers, bankers, and educators held their first meeting
January 1913
- Editors in McHenry County work on the "Soil Improvement Association" idea, which later became the temporary name of the organization
March 28, 1922
- The name of "Soil Improvement Association" was changed to the "McHenry County Farm Bureau"--this was the 3rd county in the state to organize a Farm Bureau
February 12, 1945
- The 1st move was made towards establishing the current Farm Bureau building
April 10, 1947
- A plan was accepted that the "Woodstock Journal" was a foundation for one of the outstanding county Farm Bureau publications
November 10, 1947
- Farm Bureau board members were authorized to purchase 10 acres of land at McConnell Road and Route 47 with the understanding that part will be sold to the Service Company
June 10, 1948
- The Service Company built new facilities at McConnell Road and Route 47
January 1950
- The McHenry County Farm Bureau news was now reported in the Sentinel, due to the sale of the Journal
- McHenry County Farm Bureau Supply Company's name is changed to McHenry County Farm Bureau Building Corporation
September 29, 1962
- The McHenry County Farm Bureau dedicated its new home at McConnell Road and Route 47
- The McHenry County Farm Bureau organized an Agriculture Expo to reach out to over 3000 students
- The Women's Committee Representative became a position on the McHenry County Farm Bureau Board of Directors
- McHenry County Farm Bureau Ag Education Foundation was established and the Ag in the classroom Coordinator position was instituted (March 3rd).
- The University of Illinois Extension moved into the Farm Bureau building
July 2003
- The first Tractor Trek was held to raise funds for the Ag foundation.
- The University of Illinois Extension moved into the Farm Bureau building.
- Number of directors on the board decreased from 17 to 13.
- McHenry County Farm Bureau's web site (
May 20, 2009
- MCFB Facebook page and YouTube Channel established-over 53,000 Facebook views and 25,000 video views to date (2012).
September 2012
- Michele Avang elected first woman president of McHenry County Farm Bureau Board of Directors.
- MCFB offers members the opportunity to pay membership dues using a credit card.
May 3, 2012
- Don Peasley Farm Bureau Photographer dies at age 90.
October 8, 2014
- Bylaws approved of McHenry County PAC (Political Action Committee).
February 9, 2015
- First PAC Meeting.
- Membership dues for associate members having Country Insurance are included on a premium bill for ease of payment (Combined Bill).
December 6, 2015
- Michele Avang elected to IFB Board of Directors District 1 at 100th Annual ILFB Meeting.First time in history members elected woman directors.(Tamara Halterman also elected to IFB Board from District 5.)
- ILFB Celebrates 100 years.
November 8, 2016
- First election PAC made endorsements for.
April 2017
- New Professional Member Class offered.
July 2019
- First edition of Farmer's News un color.
March-April 2020
- Farm Bureau Building closed due to Coronavirus Pandemic.
History provided by Don Peasley