McHenry County ranks 1 in Illinois for the sale of cultivated Christmas trees and short rotation woody crops!
Learn about Trees:
What year did Yellowstone become a national park?
What is the main difference between deciduous and coniferous trees?
What can you learn from tree rings?
Click on the picture above to answer these questions and learn more.
Visit a local Christmas tree farm:.
Take a 1-minute trip to Richardson Christmas Tree farm in Spring Grove by clicking on the picture above.
If you are looking to cut your own Christmas tree, check out the suggestions from Naturally McHenry County.
Ag in the Classroom activity - 3D Evergreen Trees
This lesson is designed to help students learn about evergreen trees, their life cycle, and their purposes.
Grade Level 3-5
Length of Lesson 50-60 minutes
Materials Needed • Scissors • Tape • Green markers or green Paper • Copies of the evergreen tree template • Copies of the Evergreen Tree Poems