February - Illinois Agriculture

96% of all farms in Illinois are family-owned

Yep, 96%. If you thought it was just faceless corporations “managing” these fields and animals from afar, we hope you’re pleasantly surprised. Because what you’ll find on Illinois farms are families, just like yours. Learn more about the farm families behind your food and everyday essentials by clicking here.

Illinois is a leading producer

Due to our central location in the country and our rich, fertile soil, Illinois is a leading producer of agricultural products for the country and world. The agriculture industry in Illinois is a primary contributor to our state’s economy, contributing $51.1 billion in value added. Seventy-six percent of Illinois land is farmland, and of those acres, 89% are used for cropland to grow valuable crops like corn and soybeans. Across Illinois you will find an estimated total of 70,000 farms, of which 96% are family-owned and operated.

Did you know?

Each Illinois farmer produces enough food to feed 156 people.

The average size of a farm in Illinois is 358 acres.

44% of grain produced in Illinois is exported out of the state or country.

Nearly 1 million people are employed in the food and fiber industry in Illinois. 

Love History?

Visit the Illinois Agriculture Innovation and Invention website by clicking here.

Checkout the Illinois History Ag Mag by clicking here.


We would like to thank the Illinois Ag in the Classroom program and Illinois Farm Families for the use of the above resources.